Crash Forensics provides Forensic Consulting Services to Insurance Professionals, Attorneys, Motor Carriers, Safety
Professionals, Risk Managers, and other similar Professionals. We generally do not work directly for individuals involved in a crash, but
through their insurance or legal representative. If you have been involved in a collision and believe you need our services, please refer us to
your Insurance or Legal representative and have them contact us directly. Professionals wishing to inquire about a new case are welcome to contact us by phone or Email. If you Email, please be sure to include a very clear caption in the subject line and clearly state the name of the company you represent in the message text. Phone: (913) 438-1038 Fax: (913) 438-1037 Email: contactus@crashforensics.com Crash Forensics 9014 Parkhill Street Lenexa, KS 66215-3536 |